Voltaire | NYC

Saturday, July 28, 2018

For those who don't know me, I LOVE BRUNCH.  I mean, I really, really love brunch πŸ˜.  If I had to pick a meal and eat only that for the rest of my life, I would go for brunch.  So when my friend and I made plans for brunch, I was all amped up for it.  πŸ’•

We decided to go to Voltaire because she wanted somewhere close to her gym and this place was a good in-between for the both of us.  What we didn't take into account that day was that it was the World Cup Finals and that Voltaire was a French diner/brunch place...πŸ˜… So after much squeezing and saying "excuse me's" to everyone in that tiny bar upfront where the very large TV was located, we were able to be seated in the back where it was essentially empty (actually, we were the only ones seated LOL).  The waitress did tell us that because of the crowd, the expected wait time for the food to arrive would take longer and service in general would be a bit slow.  Totally cool with that.

The first thing we ordered were some Beignets with Seasonal Jam to share.  They came pipping hot and absolutely scrumptious!  It was perfectly fried and because we were absolutely starving, we pretty much devoured all four really quickly.  The mixed berry jam was a bit tart and worked really well with the sweetness of the beignets.  The beignets were $7 which for four relatively large pieces was reasonable for me.

Before our mains arrived, the kitchen made an error with the table next to us and voila, we managed to snag an "on the house" order of biscuits.  These biscuits were shaped a little odd since they were rectangle and looked like toasts as opposed to the norm.  Regardless of their shapes, these were delicious.  They were paired with honey butter which was a match made in heaven.  We also devoured these pretty quickly or, at least, we wanted to but then we were interrupted with our actual main entrees.  According to the menu, these biscuits, if you had ordered them, were only $2.
T W O  D O L L A R S!! For two large biscuits! πŸ˜ I believe the word for that is a "steal".

For my main, I ordered the Country Biscuits with Gravy which was $12.  Honestly, the size of that biscuit is no joke (closer photo below).  It was covered with sausage gravy and topped with a few pieces of sage.  While delicious, I had two issues with this particular entree.
  1. I found the gravy to biscuit ratio to be lacking.  The biscuit was ginormous yet the amount of sausage gravy, while a lot at first glance, didn't even come close to actually guaranteeing a bite of gravy per bite of biscuit. And because I ended carrying the rest to-go (we were both stuffed by this point), when I reheated it the day after, I found that the biscuit felt a bit dry because the gravy was essentially all gone.  Certainly not enough for the amount of biscuit I had left.
  2. There was a distinct lack of seasoning in the gravy specifically salt.  Or perhaps I just tend to enjoy my food on the saltier side but I can wholeheartedly say that the gravy was missing a bit of salt for my palate.

So while I found my main dish to be delicious, there were definitely a few things that could have been tweaked to really make that entree stand out.  Regardless though, I found the biscuit to be delicious and perfectly flaky.

On my friend's end, she ordered the Pork Belly Biscuit Benedict though at this point, she was more than a little "biscuit" out since neither of us were expecting that surprise side of biscuits.  She did find her dish to be enjoyable and ended up focusing on eating everything but the biscuit.  I also took a bite of the pork belly and thought it was perfectly seasoned.

The collared greens in her benedict were pickled and reminded me of the Chinese-style suan cai which is essentially picked cabbage and typically used as a topping for noodle soups or buns, etc. But the flavor for the collared greens resembled really closely to the Chinese-style that I am used to.  Her entree was $14 which was also really reasonable for the amount of food given.

Oh, and while we were eating our entrees, the waiter came by with a complimentary order of beignets.  πŸ˜  HOW AWESOME WAS THAT?!  It might have something to do with the fact that the French won but either way, we were thrilled to have another order despite being completely stuffed.  I ended up bringing them to-go and nommed them at work the next day.  πŸ’• The service was amazing despite the raucous crowd so I'm sure it would only be even better on a day when the World Cup Final was not playing.

And one more small thing.  I was debating about including this or not but I decided to include it just so it's comprehensive but I did find a relatively large piece of hard plastic in my main entree.  However, I found that at the really end and by that point, my friend and I decided not to mention it to the waitress/waiter because we had already received a complimentary order of biscuits AND beignets.  So we just left it at that.

Overall Verdict on Voltaire: πŸŒŸπŸŒŸπŸŒŸ1/2

I N F O R M A T I O N   O N   R E S T A U R A N T   M E N T I O N E D
138 Smith St
Brooklyn, NY 11201
b/t Dean St & Bergen St
(347) 799-1888



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